Lay the slices of bread out on a parchment-lined baking sheet and freeze for at least one hour. This will make slicing the sandwiches with clean edges a lot easier.
Prepare the dilly cream cheese dip. Add the cream cheese, dried dill, garlic powder, salt, pepper, lemon juice, and sliced green onion to a bowl. Whip the ingredients together until everything is evenly mixed and the cream cheese is soft and spreadable.
When you're ready to make the sandwiches, peel the cucumber if desired, then slice it very thinly.
Take two slices of bread out of the freezer at a time and spread about 1.5 Tbsp cream cheese over the surface of each piece of bread, from edge to edge. Layer the slices over one piece of bread, then top with the other slice (cream cheese side facing the cucumbers).
Carefully slice the crusts off the bread, then cut the sandwich into two or four pieces (four small pieces is great for finger foods or party appetizers). Repeat until all the sandwiches are assembled. If you have any leftover cucumber slices, place them on top as garnish. Serve within 1-2 hours of assembly.
*English cucumbers are by far the best choice for these sandwiches because they have smaller, softer seeds and a thinner, softer skin. You can leave the skin on, peel, or partially peel for more color variation. If using regular cucumbers, I would definitely peelthem to prevent the tough skin from contrasting with the delicate nature of the sandwich.